Integrated Tribal Development Programme- I

Project Name: Integrated Tribal Development Programme


Project Location: For Haveli Kharagpur Block, Munger District, Bihar

Target Group: 200 Santhal Tribal Families

No. of Blocks to be Covered : 1

No. of Villages to be Covered: 10 villages with tribal population

Formed no. of WADIs: 160

Landless Families to be Covered :40

Major Species Planted : Mango, Guava and Lemon

Project period: April 2021 to March 2027

Purpose of the project:

The purpose of the Integrated Tribal Development Programme (WADI) in Haveli Kharagpur Block, Bihar, is to uplift tribal communities by providing them with sustainable livelihood opportunities. The project aims to address the challenges faced by these communities, such as poverty, hunger, and insecurity, through the establishment of orchards and the promotion of eco-friendly income-generating activities. By utilizing available land, water, and manpower resources, the project aims to improve agricultural practices, conserve soil, and create awareness for lifestyle changes. Additionally, the project seeks to empower women, enhance health and sanitation conditions, and reduce dependency on forest resources. The ultimate goal is to eradicate poverty, prevent migration, and promote overall socio-economic development in the tribal areas.

  1. Impact:

 TDF interventions have focused on multiple aspects of agricultural development, leading to significant improvements in the lives of farmers. Here are some key areas where TDF interventions have made a positive impact:

  • Barren land utilization: TDF initiatives have promoted the utilization of barren lands by introducing WADI concept. Farmers are provided with the necessary resources and guidance to reclaim and cultivate unproductive lands, thereby increasing their overall agricultural productivity.
  • Irrigation facilities: One of the critical challenges faced by farmers is the lack of access to reliable water sources for irrigation. TDF interventions have facilitated the establishment of irrigation systems, such as motor pump or hand pump, which enable efficient water usage and help farmers overcome water scarcity issues. This has resulted in improved crop yields and reduced dependency on rainfall.
  • Fencing for protection: Farmers often face challenges related to crop damage caused by stray animals or wildlife. TDF interventions have supported the installation of fencing systems to protect agricultural fields from animal intrusions. This has safeguarded crops and reduced losses, allowing farmers to focus on enhancing their productivity.
  • Scheme awareness for tribal communities: TDF initiatives have actively worked towards creating awareness among tribal communities about various government schemes and programs available for their benefit. By disseminating information and facilitating the application process, these interventions have helped tribal farmers access financial assistance, agricultural inputs, and other resources to enhance their farming practices and livelihoods.
  • Cash crop cultivation: TDF interventions have emphasized the cultivation of cash crops, which offer higher economic returns compared to traditional crops. This will help them to increase their income in coming year.

In conclusion, TDF interventions have had a positive and transformative impact on farmers by addressing challenges and providing effective solutions. By promoting sustainable agricultural practices, facilitating access to resources, and fostering awareness, these interventions have empowered farmers to overcome obstacles, enhance their productivity, and improve their overall well-being.

  1. Comments on the yield and income: before and after TDF interventions.

Farmers have  gained 10-15% overall growth by intercropping, vermicompost and goat rearing.

  1. Success of the TDF project

The TDF project has achieved success through its focus on vermicompost production, goat rearing, and intercropping.

  • The promotion of vermicompost has enhanced soil fertility, crop yields, and reduced reliance on chemical fertilizers.
  • Goat rearing has diversified income sources, increased resilience, and generated employment.
  • Intercropping has optimized land utilization, minimized pests, and improved overall productivity.

These interventions have driven positive outcomes, benefiting farmers economically, promoting sustainability, and ensuring food security. The TDF project’s emphasis on these areas has been pivotal in transforming agriculture, empowering farmers, and fostering holistic development within farming communities.